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Planning Board Minutes 03/03/2011
March 3, 2011
Regular Meeting
Members & Staff Present:
Diane Chauncey (Staff)               David Dubois (Member)              Joe Koziell (Member)
Jesse Lazar (Member)         Peter Moore (Planner)              Andrew Robblee (Member)         
Stephen Schacht (Alternate)          Gordon Webber (Ex-Officio) CR Willeke (Chair)

Member & Staff Absent:          
Scott Burnside (Vice-Chair)             

Public Attendees:   John Robertson, Martha Pinello, Molly Moore-Lazar

Review Period:
Minutes of February 1(Mr. Koziell motioned to accept the minutes as presented; Mr. Webber seconded. The minutes were approved. February 10(Mr. Dubois motioned to accept the minutes as presented, Mr. Webber seconded. The minutes were approved). February 22 (Mr. Robblee motioned to accept the minutes as presented, Mr. Webber seconded the motion. The minutes were approved).

Public Meeting:

Building Permit Fees
The subject of building permit fees had been discussed in a previous Planning Board meeting but no decision had been made on the costs. Mr. Hopkins had suggested that permit renewals should have a cost which some Planning Board members thought was excessive.

Antrim’s Building Inspector (Peter Hopkins – inspector for five towns) has stated that the fees are fair. The reason for the renewal fee would cover the cost of further inspections.
There had been a comment on the cost.

Me. Moore said that the Building Inspector  was attempting to standardize the fees  (in the towns for which he is the inspector).

After a lengthy discussion, no decision was made and a request would be to have Peter Hopkins attend the next meeting to give his point of view.

Business Meeting:

FEMA  Floodplain Management Program – Ms. Chauncey  explained what she had learned from a recent webinar that she had attended. The Office of Energy and Planning had given the “workshop” to explain how a municipality could help residents who have had their structures determined to be in the floodplain – therefore requiring flood insurance. Although Antrim does not have many structures new to the floodplain, some residents did not know that flood insurance was required by their lenders. Ms. Chauncey has put together a packet of information for residents who may need further information.

March 8th Straw Poll  – short discussion – the Town Administrator and Selectmen will determine the questions.

Review of February 22, 2011 Planning Board Meeting

Mr. Moore summarized events in the past few weeks. He said that he had received a phone call from John Soinien who was concerned with possible legal and administrative oversight. Mr. Moore said that he would speak with the Town Administrator – who told Mr. Moore that he had spoken with Town Counsel and that there were no problems with the Public Notice.

Mr. Moore continued that he had emailed the Local Government Center’s (LGC) legal department with an inquiry that summarized events. LGC responded that it could not comment as the Planning Board had made a decision.

Chair Willeke commented that he had requested an “emergency” Planning Board meeting, not a Public Meeting.

There was a long discussion of the past few meetings, the procedure, and the notices, who wrote the notices, how the information got in the paper.

March 9, 2011 Planning Board Meeting

Mr. Moore stated that he had been outside the process. He did not review the Public Notice that had been advertised in The Villager. He said that he had taken a closer look at the materials and composed an “annotation” of the notice. He had then shown the annotation to the Town Administrator, who had then asked him to send the information to Town Counsel. (The annotation plus six attachments had been sent on March ??)

Mr. Robblee asked if the posting had been legal.
Mr. Moore explained the mistakes and the issues.
Chair Willeke asked if the correct language would be used on March 9.
Mr. Moore said yes.

Other Business:
Commendation for Rick Seavey – Mr. Moore had written a letter to the Selectmen which thanked Mr. Seavey for his quick response in setting up the large Town Hall when the Little Town Hall became too crowded. The Planning Department Staff wanted to formally thank Mr. Seavey.
Notice of Bench Trial –  Mr.  Moore explained the upcoming trial concerning the Meteorological Tower.
SWRPC –   Monthly newsletter – FYI

At 8:50 pm, Mr. Koziell motioned to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Robblee seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board